With rising fuel prices and fuel shortages, the interest in electric cars is greater than ever. Buying a new electric car outright is out of reach for many and is often quoted as a barrier to electric vehicle (EV) adoption. That said, driving an electric car is not out of the question when so many leasing companies are now offering electric vehicles for an affordable monthly payment.
Even with current energy prices rising, the running costs of electric cars are far cheaper than an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle, often up to half the price per mile – that’s a huge saving. In the current climate, it’s reported that fuel anxiety is replacing range anxiety as the UK looks towards electric cars
Leasing or subscribing to a monthly payment plan is a great way to drive an electric car without the outlay. Today, there are many subscription services including EDF, Electric Zoo, elmo, Go Green Leasing, GRIDSERVE, LeasePlan, Octopus, Onto and the RAC, which offer zero-emissions electric vehicles for as little as £300 per month.

Many offer short term leasing from 30 days upwards, so a long-term commitment is not always required and allows drivers to switch cars if required. For example, the Electric Vehicle Association (EVA), who offer a voice for current, new and prospective electric vehicle drivers, recently partnered with Onto. They offer a subscription scheme without any long-term commitment for any period from 30 days upwards.
LeasePlan, a global car-as-a-service with approximately 1.8 million vehicles under management in 29 countries, are also helping private drivers and fleet managers convert to electric cars with driver-focused products. Last year they produced a report showing driving an electric car is cheaper and easier than ever.
The electric vehicle leasing company also launched a video on World EV Day showing real users talking about their ‘lightbulb moment’ for transitioning to electric cars. We think the reasons people mention in the video will ring true with many drivers.

Neill Emmett, Head of Marketing at LeasePlan UK, said: “We have conducted a significant amount of research into the barriers to electric vehicle adoption. The biggest challenge is around adopting a new way of thinking and driving.
“To address these challenges, we’ve developed a wide range of free to access tools, video guides and expert insight articles. We’ve also made these available to our broker partners to help them aid their clients also make the switch to EVs.”
Many of the electric vehicle subscription services offered include tax, insurance and servicing which helps to keep annual running costs down. Plus, leasing an electric car is also a great way to try out a zero-emissions vehicle to see if it’s ‘right for you’ for a short period without the huge outlay.
Leasing could also be a good option with so many drivers considering an electric car as their next vehicle. A survey carried out last year of nearly 2,000 drivers in the UK, commissioned by car benefits provider Tusker, found 63 percent of drivers admitted they were considering an electric vehicle for their next car.

The main reasons drivers gave for this were the environmental benefits, being able to charge at home and being taxed less on their salary if leased through a fleet scheme.
Tusker, who runs a fleet of almost 20,000 cars, have been witness to the transfer to electric cars firsthand. Its fleet is being transformed by the green revolution with electric cars accounting for 50 percent of orders in 2020. In turn, its fleet has gone from three percent electric to 20 percent in just 12 months.
If drivers would like to sample an electric car for just a few days to experience what they’re like to drive, they can do so at Electric Vehicle Experience Centre in Milton Keynes.
This is the UK’s first brand-neutral centre dedicated to electric vehicles offering short term rentals for a day or two allowing customers to try out different vehicles. This is also a great way of trying out different models to see which suits best without committing to a longer term lease or purchase. The centre also provides free advice about electric vehicles to educate those making the move to zero-emissions driving.
A survey by Zap-Map revealed that drivers who switch to electric cars don’t look back. In the poll, which was carried out in November 2020 with over 2,000 respondents, 91 percent said they will not be replacing their electric cars with petrol or diesel vehicles.
At ElectricDrives, we are big fans of getting people into electric cars so they can realise how much better, easier and fun they are to drive than a petrol or diesel vehicle. If you want to try out an electric vehicle without the massive outlay of purchasing, we think leasing is one of the best ways of doing it.