A new Consumer Reports survey that took place in the United States indicates that interest in electric cars is increasing although the big shift in consumer thinking has yet to happen. Electric cars are becoming more commonplace and seen across the country, especially in the bigger cities.
Consumer Reports, who carried out the survey, are a non-profit consumer organisation dedicated to unbiased product testing and consumer-oriented research.
The survey involved 3,392 adults all with valid driver’s licences. Consumer Reports found that 71 percent were interested in the idea of owning an electric car at some point but most didn’t think it would be their next vehicle. The survey also found that 31 percent would consider an electric car for their next purchase or lease.
The report also looked at the attitudes of different generations regarding their views on electric cars. Millennial drivers showed the most promise with 78 percent saying they would like to own an electric car at some point, while 70 percent of Generation X drivers would. Only 68 percent Baby Boomers would like to own an electric car at some point and this figure fell to 58 percent for the Silent Generation.
It would appear the interest is there but some people aren’t ready to make the jump to cleaner zero-emissions driving. The main issues that worried potential customs were range and availability of charge stations. Around half of the drivers said they would like an electric car have a range of more than 300 miles (483km).
Just under half of those who plan to get an electric car as their next vehicle said that the lack of charging infrastructure has been holding them back. Other reasons hold potential customers back were the cost of a new electric car, lack of knowledge of electric cars and no place to charge one at home.
Overall the survey produced positive results. Plus, electric cars are selling better than ever and have even bucked the trend of falling combustion engine car sales. With all of this, and governments around the globe setting dates for the banning of sales petrol and diesel cars, the future of zero-emissions driving is looking optimistic.